[Video below] Difference between a 'Home' and a 'Hostel' under Tamilnadu
Homes and Hostels for Women and Children Act
Deadline to apply for registration under the Tamilnadu Hostels
and Homes for Women and
Children Act is February 28th, 2019
(Download the application in
word format below)
(Check back this site for more details about the deadline)
Why do the children's homes that are registered under the JJ Act, need to apply again under Tamilnadu Hostels and Homes for Women and Chdlren (regulation) Act, 2015?
Those that are running child care institutions (such as a children's home) and registered under the Juvenile and Justice Act need to know that Madurai branch of Tamilnadu High Court has given a deadline for all the hostels and homes that are catering to women and children to register with their respective district collector's office by February 28th or face action under this law.
But those that have registered their facility under JJ Act are wondering if they too have to register since they have already registered under the JJ Act. Sub rule 4(2) of Tamilnadu Hostels and Homes for Women and Chidlren's Act rules states the following:
Subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (5) of section 12 of the Act, those children homes, which have already been registered under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 (CA 56 of 2000) shall also be registered under the Act.
As you can see, child care institutions that are registered under the JJ Act are not exempted, rather told in explicit language that they ought to register. Hurry up and apply by downloading the forms given above.